Vela Manor Store


03 July

Amy Schumer Doesn’t Care

And for those who are unlikely to take up needle, thread, and satin anytime soon, lingerie designers, such as Renegade Lingerie and Jodi Albanese at Threads by Jodi, are getting in on the custom-fit bra game, with most made-to-order pieces starting at $250. It’s a fast-growing market. “If you’re 34B, yeah, or if you’re self-supporting, you can always get a...

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28 June

Why Women Are Making Their Own Bras

Raise your hand if your bra is the first thing you want to take off when you get home. That’s probably because some 75 percent of women are wearing the wrong bra size  and are feeling the effects—whether suffering from back pain or considering wholly unnecessary breast reduction surgery—or are simply frustrated with limited, unattractive design options in their size....

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